hahahah..our dressing is the same .. just different colour xD penny's shirt :finding someone Evelyn's shirt: supermodel here!! *very meaningful right?*x) i like this picture very much!!=D coz it is very natural ^O^
Before u read this, please ask urself a question~Do u know me?if don't know~ why are u reading my blog? if u know me~ why must u read this again? Get what i mean?:D
1) Planets Big Brother: The planet over there is Mars. Little Brother: Then that other one must be Pa's.
2)The Better Dog Mrs.Hak and Mrs.Pak who are dog owners are arguing about whose dog is smarter.
Mrs.Hak : My dog is so smart. Everyday morning, he waits for the paperman to come around and then he takes the newspaper and brings it to me. Mrs.Pak : I know..... Mrs.Hak : How do you know? Mrs.Pak : My dog told me..
3)Jelous Wife My wife's jealousy is getting ridiculous. The other day, she looked at my calender and wanted to know who May was.
Tadaaaa~ Hope u enjoy^O^ P/S: Jokes will be renewed ~ view my blog if u want to see more jokes;DD hahahaha~
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