Tuesday, November 25, 2008

my dar- hui ern invited me to HONG KONG=D

just now i was chatting with my dar(darling)-hui ern..
i am questioning her why her msn personal message dont have my name(she wrote shanon's namexD)
then i "suggested" her to set her personal message as" evelyn is very important to me..i cant live without her" xD(mwahahhaha..i knew i am evil ^O^but who cares?as long i get what i wantXD)
then while we was chatting..
she told me that she is going to thailand this thursday..
and then she will be going to HOng kong next month..
i told her i wanted to go there too..
so she invited me there!!OoO
seriously i am very very very very happy!!
and i also wish to go there with her(definately either one of my parent is going with me lah ^^)
she asked me to ask my parents first..
because the price now is kinda cheap and the hotel is very nice...
T___Ti dont know whether my parents will let me go or not..
but i think definately NO-,.-
no matter what..
i also will try my best to persuade my parentsxD
i knew my mum wanted to go Hong Kong..hahahaha
P/S:wish my parents will agree +O+